Daz To Unreal – Getting a Clean Copy of the Skeleton

I haven’t figured out why yet, but it seems relatively common that the skeleton assets end up with incorrect re-targeting settings. The simplest fix is to just get a fresh copy.

First Backup You Project and Plugin

To be safe, I recommend backing up the plugin and any characters or assets you are worried about breaking.

Download a Clean Copy of the Skeleton

You can get the skeleton assets here:



The rest of the content can be found here if you want to update it: https://github.com/daz3d/DazToRuntime/tree/master/Unreal/UnrealPlugin/DazToUnreal/Content

Find Replace the UAssets in the Plugin

With Unreal shutdown, you need to find the content folder for the Daz to Unreal plugin. It should be in the folder you installed the Unreal Engine to in the Engine\Plugins\DazToUnreal\Content folder. For example, I installed the engine at E:\UE4.25 so I can find the content at E:\UE4.25\Engine\Plugins\DazToUnreal\Content

Just copy the new version of the UAssets over the version in the plugin and start the editor back up.