FaceFX to Unreal – Getting Started

These are instructions for using the DazToFaceFX plugin. This is currently in development and not all options are available yet. These instructions are written using Morphs. Pose Asset instructions are on the way.

1) Getting a Test Character Into Unreal

If you don’t have a character, to test with, you can test with a Genesis 8 character which is included with Daz Studio. If you already have a character with appropriate morphs, you can skip this step.


If your character’s Morph names match the curve names from FaceFX, you can skip this step. Otherwise, you need to make a mapping to rename the curves during import.


2) Preparing the Character for Animation

Your character will need a component and a simple Animation Blueprint.


3) Transferring Facial Animation

Instructions for transferring the facial animation data to Unreal


4) Playing the Animation

How to play the VO using Blueprints.
